I finally have my cell phone back.  My cell phone is my mobile hotspot so that I have the necessary internet connection to bring you these blog posts.

I did a lot of reflecting in my absence.

The best version of myself for this website is the guy who shares stories and photos from events, after they happen.  That is it, plain and simple.

That being said, my current situation is to sell everything.  I want to clear my mind of all material possessions except that which I can carry in my truck.  I am in the process of packing up the few things I care about keeping in storage, and literally selling everything else.

My point is, the blog post challenge is over.  Life is very busy for me.  I really enjoyed writing something down every evening, but my audience didn’t always enjoy my subject matter.  I am going to keep it light hearted, and only write when I have photos and words to share.

Follow me online here:

Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mk1rabbit
Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zachlarsonphotography
Instagram:      https://www.instagram.com/das_photos/