Eventually I will stumble upon the polaroid photos that I took as a child, at the Pioneer Farm Museum. I remember the old rusty sawblade mounted on the wall, I was so intrigued that I needed a photo of it. From the start of my photography career in my days of youth, I didn’t take my own photos again until 2003. I had just started to get into computers and technology as a whole. I had gained internet access for the first time in my life around 2002. Technology brought about memory cards and digital cameras, instant gratification. We no longer needed to wait weeks for development at the store, only to find that the photos we awful anyway. I received a Fujifilm Finepix A101 1.3 megapixel digital camera for Christmas. It was a giant piece of shit. In 3 weeks time, I had purchased a used Olympus D460 from a kid at church. The Olympus was also only 1.3 megapixels, however it was leaps and bounds in quality better compared to the Fuji.
This evening I stumbled across an album I had on my hard drive labelled “New York Times Pic Contest considerations”. This will be a great album to share work with y’all. This was the first time in my life that I was photographing with frequency, and starting to learn the basics.
What was I thinking here? What type of contest was I hoping to win with these amazing photos…. I even found a sub-folder labelled “rejects”. Allow me to share a few of those gems
A trash can? Let me repeat that, in case it didn’t sink in, a trash can? Yikes
I will end this story with an epic selfie that I found in the reject folder
Things are even worse than you can see here, for I labelled the photo “thugz.jpg” *cringe*
I hope that you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. It just goes to show, that when you love something keep at it. I was absolutely awful at photography here, and I had no idea the incredible journey that it was about to take me on!