Worked around the House

October 30, 2018By Maverickdiary

So if you can’t tell, I had an accident with my cell phone.  Today I have decided that I can no longer “text and….” from this moment on.  I gave up on texting and driving awhile ago.  Now I need to give up on texting and walking, texting and anything apparently.  I need to stop, … Read More

Real Talk

October 26, 2018By Maverickdiary

Yesterday I challenged myself to start posting twice per day on Instagram, and I already failed.  I did not post this morning.  I had to go digging to find a photo to share just now.  Its been raining all day, and I didn’t take any photos today.  I have plenty of photos from years past … Read More


October 25, 2018By Maverickdiary

They say it takes 30 days to make something a habit.  I have been blogging nightly for the 19 days.  I think it is time to add another habit to my daily routine.  I am going to challenge myself to post twice daily to my Instagram account.  I want to build momentum behind my IG … Read More

Random Thoughts

October 24, 2018By Maverickdiary

This morning I helped out Dan again, we poured concrete and built up his retaining wall.  The work was not easy, but it most definitely was rewarding. My mind has been scattered lately, trying to figure out what to do with my Tacoma.  I have never missed a payment, despite my lack of steady employment.  … Read More

Relationships, Pt. 2

October 19, 2018By Maverickdiary

Ok, I just realized that I gypped you guys.  I was going to talk about my relationship and then went on a tangent about my past…. So today, y’all get a 2-fer.  Let me load this bowl and then we shall get started…. Its a good thing that I make my own schedule, because the … Read More


October 19, 2018By Maverickdiary

I previously mentioned drama with my ex.  I knew this day would have to come eventually.  Honestly I am now sitting here wondering if I am scared of your judgement.  For real tho, who the fuck are you to me?  I tell people daily to do them, without fear of the judgement of others.  Does … Read More

My Rabbit is so close

October 17, 2018By Maverickdiary

The closer you think you are to your goal, the more things you find that need to be taken care of.  What a metaphor for life huh?  I’m in a reflective mood right now, I just finished recording a pretty passionate video.  I have been doing short videos on my personal Facebook page, sharing life … Read More

The Universe Provides

October 16, 2018By Maverickdiary

Yesterday I sent my good friend and Father figure Dan a text message. I have been helping him with yard work for the last 2 weeks. He told me that there weren’t any projects for me this week. I went to bed Sunday night with no plans for this week. Monday morning I woke up … Read More

My Yamaha Motorcycle

October 15, 2018By Maverickdiary

I remember being a kid on the school bus, seeing a crotch rocket and falling in love.  I would always wave and smile at motorcyclists when the bus would stop next to one at a light.  It has been my dream to own such a machine for a very long time.  When I got out … Read More

Think Positive

October 12, 2018By Maverickdiary

The last couple of days have been an emotional roller coaster for me.  I had a really rough time.  Last night I was up tossing and turning until 5am.  Add to all this, the sniffles on top of it, and its been a hard week.  Life is always hard.  That’s why I always tell people, either … Read More