No Phone: Day 1

October 31, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I woke up this morning and my phone was toast.  I drove to the T-Mobile store and waited 10 min for them to open.  They helped me call and file an insurance claim.  Then I had to take my laptop to the library and finalize the process over email.  If all goes smoothly, I should … Read More

Worked around the House

October 30, 2018By Maverickdiary

So if you can’t tell, I had an accident with my cell phone.  Today I have decided that I can no longer “text and….” from this moment on.  I gave up on texting and driving awhile ago.  Now I need to give up on texting and walking, texting and anything apparently.  I need to stop, … Read More

Roger’s 2018 Halloween Party

October 29, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I survived the party y’all. In truth, the beverage of choice on tap was Bug Light, so I did not even finish a glass.  If I am drinking a light beer, I prefer Coors Light.  They did have an abundance of Jello shots in the fridge, so I might have helped myself to 8 or … Read More

Halloween Party

October 28, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

Holy Crap tonight is about to be off the hook y’all!  I haven’t been to Roger’s Halloween party since 2012….  I went thru the archives and dug out a couple of the photos that caught my eye.  I charged up the batteries for my Canon, I have the new flash ready to go, and I … Read More

Hacky Sack

October 27, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I remember learning to play hacky sack in grade school.  I can’t remember if I learned hacky sack before or after my short soccer career.  The skills learned in soccer definitely help you become good at hacky sack.  Why am I talking about this?  Today I have been cleaning my house like mad.  I was … Read More

Real Talk

October 26, 2018By Maverickdiary

Yesterday I challenged myself to start posting twice per day on Instagram, and I already failed.  I did not post this morning.  I had to go digging to find a photo to share just now.  Its been raining all day, and I didn’t take any photos today.  I have plenty of photos from years past … Read More


October 25, 2018By Maverickdiary

They say it takes 30 days to make something a habit.  I have been blogging nightly for the 19 days.  I think it is time to add another habit to my daily routine.  I am going to challenge myself to post twice daily to my Instagram account.  I want to build momentum behind my IG … Read More

Random Thoughts

October 24, 2018By Maverickdiary

This morning I helped out Dan again, we poured concrete and built up his retaining wall.  The work was not easy, but it most definitely was rewarding. My mind has been scattered lately, trying to figure out what to do with my Tacoma.  I have never missed a payment, despite my lack of steady employment.  … Read More

My House

October 22, 2018By MaverickHouse

How much have I mentioned about my house on my blog?  I’m not sure.  Well, near as I can figure, it was built in the 1890’s.  There is newspaper glued to the wall, that I found underneath 7 other layers of wallpaper, from 1898.  Its crazy to see an advertisement that says “3 pairs of … Read More


October 21, 2018By MaverickMarine Service Engineer

This morning we had heavy cloud cover over Seattle.  I love looking at the sky scrapers against the gray blanket of fog. On Saturday’s my friend and fellow Marine Service Engineer Matt works on his new boat.  I need to correct some details in the last post I wrote about it.  The boat is an … Read More