2003 New York Times Photo Contest

February 7, 2023By Maverickdasphoto

Eventually I will stumble upon the polaroid photos that I took as a child, at the Pioneer Farm Museum.  I remember the old rusty sawblade mounted on the wall, I was so intrigued that I needed a photo of it.  From the start of my photography career in my days of youth, I didn’t take … Read More

Story Time

February 7, 2023By Maverickdasphoto

Its been years since I’ve updated this site. A month or so ago I decided that I wanted to share my old photos, to start drumming up attention for my photography again.  I spent weeks rattling ideas around in my head, as to the best way to categorize and share my work.  What I am … Read More

A weekend adventuring

February 12, 2019By Maverickdasphoto

I thought I would start things off with a photo of myself doing the Ricky Bobby, aka, I don’t know what to do with my hands…. We spent some time exploring Bellevue downtown park.  I have never been to NYC, but based on images alone, Bellevue park felt a lot like Central park to me.  … Read More

A New Direction

November 7, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I finally have my cell phone back.  My cell phone is my mobile hotspot so that I have the necessary internet connection to bring you these blog posts. I did a lot of reflecting in my absence. The best version of myself for this website is the guy who shares stories and photos from events, … Read More

No Phone: Day 1

October 31, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I woke up this morning and my phone was toast.  I drove to the T-Mobile store and waited 10 min for them to open.  They helped me call and file an insurance claim.  Then I had to take my laptop to the library and finalize the process over email.  If all goes smoothly, I should … Read More

Roger’s 2018 Halloween Party

October 29, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I survived the party y’all. In truth, the beverage of choice on tap was Bug Light, so I did not even finish a glass.  If I am drinking a light beer, I prefer Coors Light.  They did have an abundance of Jello shots in the fridge, so I might have helped myself to 8 or … Read More

Halloween Party

October 28, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

Holy Crap tonight is about to be off the hook y’all!  I haven’t been to Roger’s Halloween party since 2012….  I went thru the archives and dug out a couple of the photos that caught my eye.  I charged up the batteries for my Canon, I have the new flash ready to go, and I … Read More

Hacky Sack

October 27, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I remember learning to play hacky sack in grade school.  I can’t remember if I learned hacky sack before or after my short soccer career.  The skills learned in soccer definitely help you become good at hacky sack.  Why am I talking about this?  Today I have been cleaning my house like mad.  I was … Read More

Just Another Day at the Office

October 18, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

This is the life.  I am sitting on a bench in Kirkland, overlooking the waterfront.  I took off my shoes and walked barefoot across the luscious grass to get down here.  The sound of the waves crashing upon the rocks, plus the dude getting it in his power boat, is so calming and relaxing.  I … Read More

Hiking Summit Lake

October 11, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

Yesterday I needed a reset.  I needed to get away from all the noise, the chaos and just be.  Going camping solo is very therapeutic, albeit lonely, for me. I loaded up my Tacoma with a small tent, my camping pad, sleeping bag, pillow, water bottle, a couple Clif bars, firewood, my laptop and that … Read More