like whoa….  I wanted to up the timeline a little bit.  I chose this extremely rapid pace.  March 1st will be here before I know it.

Things have been lining up very well for me.  I have a Porsche project that I need to finish for Dan.  He is cleaning out garage space for me to be able to finish the car and store my tools until the job is finished.

The 2 cars that I am keeping: Erics Mustang and the Slammer are both going to his moms house.  She graciously agreed to let me park them on her property.  I also will be able to move my 10 x 20 shed over to her property so that at least one the vehicles can be sheltered from the elements.

I also am getting a great deal on a storage unit in Kent for a few months.  Crystal and I spent today loading my Chevy pickup with the VW parts that are worth selling. I still have a lot of packing to do.  Since I am ordering a truck from Germany to live in, and that process takes 3-4 months, I will have time to sell the rest of my parts from the storage unit.

I hosted a garage sale over the weekend hoping to sell a lot of the smaller items.  Hosting my first garage sale was definitely a learning experience.  I wasted a lot of time on my signs, no one could read them because they were too small, and people are cheap.  I should have taken the time to apply sticky notes with prices to everything.  People expected everything for $1.  I actually shut down my garage sale after lunch on Sunday.  I had a gentleman with an arm load of items refuse to pay me more than $3.  I took his money, and immediately stopped selling.  It was fun to meet my neighbors and share stories on Saturday.  The Sunday shopping crowd left a bad taste in my mouth.  I could have easily sold the items for much more money with less hassle out of the storage unit.  Lesson learned.  I enjoy visiting garage sales, yet I have no desire to host another one.

I really haven’t been taking many photos lately.  I will change that tomorrow.  I feel completely overwhelmed.  I have to talk myself through everything to stop myself from getting anxiety.  I am changing so many variables in my life at the same time.  I still own 7 cars and I have to sell 4 in the next 11 days.  I have to move everything to storage with my Chevy and then sell it as well.  I have to pack up the items that I will need for day to day life, and keep them organized in my Toyota. Then I have to pack up and find a permanent place for the valuables that I wish to not get rid of.

It is all happening very fast, and I am the one who chose this timeline.  I just have to constantly remind myself to breathe, and be present.


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