I survived the party y’all. In truth, the beverage of choice on tap was Bug Light, so I did not even finish a glass.  If I am drinking a light beer, I prefer Coors Light.  They did have an abundance of Jello shots in the fridge, so I might have helped myself to 8 or so of those….

The costumes were ridiculous, the meatballs were on point as always, and the music was great (minus the breaker tripping a few times).  The rain kept the crowd down, but that didn’t stop those who attended from having a great time.


My girlfriend and I floated around the party for a few hours.  We feasted upon the delicious food, enjoyed many jello shots and watched the crowd.  I have always been one to enjoy watching party lights dance across the room, and light up people in different ways.

So this photo is one of the party lights, shining on the back of a woman with long hair.  I saw the way the light was bouncing off of her hairs and ran over to take the photo.  I love the unique effect.

Ashlee (dressed in a mouse onesie) introduced herself to us because we both had onesies on.  The 3 of us talked for awhile, shared some laughs and I asked for a group photo.  It is always fun to meet new people in a crowd like this.

Luke here needs no explanation.  If you don’t know Luke and this makes no sense, well then you need to party with Luke.  He is such a fun time to hang out with.

(from left to right) Some dude who was inappropriately groping women and should have been removed from the party, Big Roger and Little Roger.

Big Roger is the host of this party, and an all around great dude.  He is very generous, a great host, hilarious and so much fun to party with.  He always comes up with some ridiculous costume.  The Legend of Enumclaw was my favorite costume of his, followed by the time he showed up dressed as a Crash Test Dummy.

Little Roger and I have had so much fun thru the years.  I remember taking him on a ride in my Baja bug, down at Sand Lakes Oregon.  It was late-o-clock and therefore dark out, and I was flying.  We were going about 60mph across the sand, when I hit a small dune in front of me.  The entire Baja went airborne.  The rear springs were much too stiff at the time, so the rear end catapulted in the air and we were staring down at the sand.  The car landed, bounced, and was fine.  We laughed our asses off, the beer in Lil Rogers hand was all over the inside of my car.  It was a great time.

The guy standing on the left, if anyone at the party had an issue with him and is looking to press charges let me know.  I have photos of him groping a woman at the party and will help her with a police report if she chooses.  Please contact me if you know either of the two women wearing “Wayne’s World” ball caps.

Lets get back to the fun stuff. I am going to throw up the few remaining photos and then go take a shower.  It was a long and fun weekend.  Thank you all for reading.  Until next time.

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