Yesterday I needed a reset. I needed to get away from all the noise, the chaos and just be. Going camping solo is very therapeutic, albeit lonely, for me. I loaded up my Tacoma with a small tent, my camping pad, sleeping bag, pillow, water bottle, a couple Clif bars, firewood, my laptop and that … Read More
The Baja Part 3: My Final Chapter
This is going to be the final chapter in my story of the Baja. I need to sell this car and move on. As life progresses, so do our goals and dreams for the future. We are slaves to our possessions. Even tho I am not currently spending time or money on the Baja, it … Read More
The Baja
Recently I heard from a friend that we own nothing: we are merely stewards of our possessions. If you can’t properly care for something, pass it along to someone who can. This was a profound statement for me to contemplate. I have been stock piling project cars since I was 19 years old. As you … Read More