I was talking to my good friend, fellow entrepreneur and the developer of this website: Marvin. He was mentioning a self-imposed challenge to create work daily for 100 days and see where that takes his business.
I have long wondered if photography just becomes a piece of my puzzle rather than my main source of income. I can use my photography to showcase my life and the adventures that I go on. This is just a free floating thought. I am not sure where this journey leads but I know that I need to keep blogging.
I am going to challenge myself to write 1 post, every day, for the rest of 2018. I am also going to challenge myself to start hydrogen peroxide therapy (google it) at the same time and document that as I go. I have no idea how this is going to work or where this journey is going to lead, but it will damn sure be interesting.
Marvin pointed out that I have been missing a golden opportunity not blogging daily during the 4 road trips I took recently. I drove from Seattle to Georgia in an F250 Diesel and towed home a 30′ long fully enclosed v-nose. That trip was 6,000 miles in 7 days. A few short weeks later my friend Mike and I drove a Nissan Nv200 from Seattle to Denver and back over 5 days. That trip was 2,700 miles. I was home for a couple of weeks before driving my personal Toyota Tacoma from Seattle to San Diego and back over 9 days. That trip was 2,900 miles.
3 weeks after driving to San Diego, I again drove the F250 with 30′ trailer in tow from Seattle to Los Angeles and back. That trip was 2,500 miles and took 7 days. In the course of 2 months, over 4 road trips I was on our great American highways for a little over 14,000 miles. I have always wanted to be a long haul trucker. This is almost a fulfillment of my fantasy, except the F250 has a soul-sucking autotragic transmission. The truck and trailer combo put us right around 60′ in total length. Those of you who know anything about towing know how awful the turning radius of bumper pull setups are.
I saw all sorts of crazy stuff out on the highway.
Ok before I ramble on and bore us all to death, lets get to the moral of the story. I am going to challenge myself to blog something, anything, once a day. I would love your support. Send me a message on social media and let me know how my story has affected your life.
Follow me online here:
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mk1rabbit
Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zachlarsonphotography
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/das_photos/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/das_photos