My Rabbit is so close

October 17, 2018By Maverickdiary

The closer you think you are to your goal, the more things you find that need to be taken care of.  What a metaphor for life huh?  I’m in a reflective mood right now, I just finished recording a pretty passionate video.  I have been doing short videos on my personal Facebook page, sharing life … Read More

Broken Key

October 6, 2018By Maverickdiary

Today I was cleaning my house and I found a broken key.  To anyone else, it would just be scrap. The year is 2004 and I am 19 years old, working at my first job which was pizza delivery.  I drove an 81 Rabbit Diesel.  I remember standing behind the pizza restaurant, in the parking … Read More

Its been a minute

October 5, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I was talking to my good friend, fellow entrepreneur and  the developer of this website: Marvin.  He was mentioning a self-imposed challenge to create work daily for 100 days and see where that takes his business. I have long wondered if photography just becomes a piece of my puzzle rather than my main source of … Read More

Road Trip Rescue

May 24, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

For this story we have to go back in time 10 years.  My best friend Eric (RIP buddy) sent me a Craigslist ad.  He knew that I had been searching out a VW Rabbit Swallowtail for some time.  There was one for sale for a few hundred dollars.  The car was just a rolling shell, … Read More

Roadtrip Part 1: To Fix A Bus

April 28, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

Last week a friend of mine asked me if I would come diagnose/fix his school bus.  Diesel Mechanic and electrician are just two of the many skills that I possess.  Being my own boss gives me the liberty to take out of town jobs, and gives me the opportunity to catch up with friends whom … Read More