A New Direction

November 7, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I finally have my cell phone back.  My cell phone is my mobile hotspot so that I have the necessary internet connection to bring you these blog posts. I did a lot of reflecting in my absence. The best version of myself for this website is the guy who shares stories and photos from events, … Read More

Roger’s 2018 Halloween Party

October 29, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I survived the party y’all. In truth, the beverage of choice on tap was Bug Light, so I did not even finish a glass.  If I am drinking a light beer, I prefer Coors Light.  They did have an abundance of Jello shots in the fridge, so I might have helped myself to 8 or … Read More

Halloween Party

October 28, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

Holy Crap tonight is about to be off the hook y’all!  I haven’t been to Roger’s Halloween party since 2012….  I went thru the archives and dug out a couple of the photos that caught my eye.  I charged up the batteries for my Canon, I have the new flash ready to go, and I … Read More

Hacky Sack

October 27, 2018By Maverickdasphoto

I remember learning to play hacky sack in grade school.  I can’t remember if I learned hacky sack before or after my short soccer career.  The skills learned in soccer definitely help you become good at hacky sack.  Why am I talking about this?  Today I have been cleaning my house like mad.  I was … Read More

Real Talk

October 26, 2018By Maverickdiary

Yesterday I challenged myself to start posting twice per day on Instagram, and I already failed.  I did not post this morning.  I had to go digging to find a photo to share just now.  Its been raining all day, and I didn’t take any photos today.  I have plenty of photos from years past … Read More

My House

October 22, 2018By MaverickHouse

How much have I mentioned about my house on my blog?  I’m not sure.  Well, near as I can figure, it was built in the 1890’s.  There is newspaper glued to the wall, that I found underneath 7 other layers of wallpaper, from 1898.  Its crazy to see an advertisement that says “3 pairs of … Read More


October 21, 2018By MaverickMarine Service Engineer

This morning we had heavy cloud cover over Seattle.  I love looking at the sky scrapers against the gray blanket of fog. On Saturday’s my friend and fellow Marine Service Engineer Matt works on his new boat.  I need to correct some details in the last post I wrote about it.  The boat is an … Read More

Buried Treasure

October 20, 2018By MaverickHouse

Today I was doing some digging underneath my house.  I found another medicine bottle today.  I was inspired to share with you some of the other cool things that I have found.  I know a few of the bottles broke while I was shoveling dirt, but I have a pretty cool collection going.  Now the … Read More

Relationships, Pt. 2

October 19, 2018By Maverickdiary

Ok, I just realized that I gypped you guys.  I was going to talk about my relationship and then went on a tangent about my past…. So today, y’all get a 2-fer.  Let me load this bowl and then we shall get started…. Its a good thing that I make my own schedule, because the … Read More


October 19, 2018By Maverickdiary

I previously mentioned drama with my ex.  I knew this day would have to come eventually.  Honestly I am now sitting here wondering if I am scared of your judgement.  For real tho, who the fuck are you to me?  I tell people daily to do them, without fear of the judgement of others.  Does … Read More